“Snow” Day

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So this being the Pacific Northwest, and a valley location specifically, we don’t get a ton of snow.  Therefore, when we do it’s like a major event.  The news agencies put an idiot on every corner talking about the snow: we might get some, it’s coming, it’s here, it’s sticking, it’s cold, it’s slippery, it’s melting, it’s gone, and now a retrospective on SNOWMAGEDDON 2012!

They predicted a possibility of snow late last night, which turned out to be worth the paper it was printed on.  I slept in, a new hobby with which I have recently reacquainted myself, while The Lovely Rhonda got up rather earlier than usual.  She got up because Hermione, the Queen Mother of Cats around here, came in yelling things in Retarded Cat Language and Would Be Heard, IF YOU PLEASE. 

A moment later TLR returned and reported to me the following: the reason why Hermione was yelling was not to bring our attention to the usual potential hazards, i.e. dangerously low levels of kibble in the communal cat dishes, but to complain about Unauthorized Weather Conditions, namely a few flakes of snow that had the audacity to fall from the sky and land on the grounds of Her Estate.

Why exactly this would meet with the disapproval of a cat who rarely ventures outside and who does currently enjoy the luxury of a litterbox we are unsure, but there it is.

At any rate, after the hype and hope of the past 24 hours (for I am a total snow dork and am wildly excited when it snows, I cannot help it) we received a few desultory flakes in the mid-morning followed by a whole lot of nothing.  I had all but given up.

Now, of course, it’s snowing rather respectably.

So it goes.

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